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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Linking Multiple Work Schedule Groups to a Person


At this page, you can link multiple work schedule groups to a person.

Menu path

Go to HRM/Setup/Schedules/Work schedule linking, define the relevant criteria, and then click Show. Next, click the relevant hyperlink under the ID column.

Roles & rights

To link multiple work schedule groups to a person, function right 100 - Maintain default work schedule, 101 – Maintain company work schedule, or 102 – Maintain individual work schedule is required. Users with the HR role have these function rights. However, users with the HR assistant role also have the function right 102.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to update the results based on the latest action performed.


Click this to exit and return to the previous page.


Click this to link a work schedule group to the person. Clicking this will prompt the linking functionality similar to the one you receive when you select a person and click Link at HRM/Setup/Schedules/Work schedule linking. For more information, see Linking, Unlinking, Blocking, and Unblocking Work Schedule Groups to or from People.



This displays the ID and name of the corresponding person. Click the hyperlink to view or modify the corresponding person card.

Group name

This displays the names of the work schedule groups linked to the people.

Work schedule

This displays the names of the work schedules under the corresponding work schedule groups. Click the hyperlinks to view or modify the information for each work schedule.

Effective date

This displays the start date of the work schedule group.

Day start

This displays the start day of the work schedule group.


This displays the status of the work schedule groups. The status is either Active or Blocked.


Click the icons to perform the necessary actions on the corresponding work schedule groups.

  • - Click this to unlink work schedule groups from the people.
  • - Click this to block work schedule groups.
  • - Click this to unblock work schedule groups with the Blocked status.

Related document



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 16.193.900
 Assortment:  Date: 17-12-2010
 Release:  Attachment: